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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where do my Member Dues go?
As with any organization, there are costs associated with the general operation. Member Dues go to many different areas within WPP, but they also in place to create accountability among members that are engaged with their chapters. 
    1. Networking Venues
    2. Member benefits and resources
    3. Food and Beverage at Socials
    4. Semi-Annual Referral Tournament Prizes
    5. Licensing fees, insurance, taxes, etc.
    6. External marketing to consistently bring in new members into the WPP network
    7. End of the year dinner and awards

  • What does a typical WPP meeting look like?

Typically, our meetings last between 45-75 minutes depending on the number of members. Most of our members show up several minutes early to mingle and network with one-another. At the beginning of the meeting, we come together and the chapter leaders will provide any new announcements about/for the group and introduce guests. The floor will be opened for members to share upcoming events that the members can help support/attend. We then start the phase of the meeting where we share a 30-60 second elevator pitch for our businesses. Following this period, the sponsoring Power Partner will provide a 10-15 minute presentation on their business. Following the presentation, there can be a time for questions to the presenter. Following the Q&A time, there is a testimonial/closed business time where members can share about experiences with other members, closed business that members referred to them, etc. To finish out the meeting, the leaders may cover specific items pertaining to the group, schedule, social events, etc. Following the meeting, depending on the venue and host, there may be more time for open networking and mingling.

  • Can I join more than one WPP Chapter?
Our goal is to create a diversified network within each of our chapters. 

In each group, we only allow one representative from each profession. For example, there can only be one plumber in each chapter. This ensures that each chapter has a wide variety of industries represented among members. 

With that being said, priority is given to prospective members. If there is a prospective member on a waitlist for a chapter, they are given joining priority when the spot becomes available. If there is not a prospective member on the waitlist to join a chapter, then a current Power Partner may join another group. Each chapter requires a membership subscription, so you would be paying for a membership spot in both chapters. 

WPP leadership members do get the final decision on whether a Power Partner may join another chapter.

  • What if my schedule doesn’t fit any of the current chapters OR all chapter are full OR there isn’t an opening for my profession in a group near me?
Let’s start another group! Although this seems daunting, we promise it’s not. We are always looking to grow, and what a great opportunity this is for you to meet people and create an amazing networking group from the ground up! Don’t worry, we will help you along the way and use the power of the WPP network to help fill your group with other professionals looking to join a networking group.
  • When do I have to start paying as a member?

If you are a part of a new chapter, see next question.

With a referral from an active Power Partner, you can attend one chapter meeting with your Power Partner Sponsor. You will need to register as a guest via the Events Page for the meeting you plan to attend. You will receive the attendance details prior to the event! 

If you are a prospective member, we offer a 30 day Trial Membership where you are able to attend a month's worth of WPP events. This Trial Membership has a $50 application fee and allows you to experience Wisconsin Power Partners first hand to make sure we're right for you! If you decide to become a full time Power Partner, this $50 dollar application fee will be credited towards your first year membership dues!

Trial Memberships do not require an available space within the chapter since you are not considered a full time Power Partner. However, once you submit your application for a full membership, we will need to ensure there is an available spot within the chapter you wish to join. If there is, great! If there is not, we will work with you to determine the next steps. This could include choosing a new chapter or starting a chapter of your own!
  • We are a new group - do we have to pay right away?

The only fee required prior to full formation of a chapter would be the Member Application Fee which is a one time payment of $50 upon submitting your member application. Once the new group has finalized all the formation details and has gained a minimum of 8 members, then dues will be invoiced to its members. There is a 45 day period to gain the 8 active members to be considered an established chapter. If the 45 day period passes and the forming chapter does not have the required members, then those members will be invoiced for membership dues and added as a floater to an established chapter until the forming chapter has met the criteria to be considered an established chapter. The WPP Leadership Team will be with you along the way to guide the formation of this new chapter!

  • Is there a maximum number of members in a chapter?
We have capped chapter numbers at 22 members in each chapter. From experience so far in our meetings, this number seems like the absolute max that could fit not only in a normal meeting space, but also when trying to let everyone speak during an hour meeting timeframe. 
  • Who is my contact when trying to communicate ideas, concerns, etc.?
Each chapter develops it's own leadership team. Your chapter will have a group leader, also known as a Chapter Director, that will be available to answer questions and pass on any ideas or concerns to the WPP Board of Directors. 
  • How do I keep track of referrals for the referral tournament?
As a group, we use a form that will track the referral submissions by each member. This form can be found via the Referrals page within Member Content. Wild Apricot provides a members database where you will be able to find your fellow Power Partner's contact info for sending introduction messages. 
  • Can I bring a guest to meetings?
Yes, please! We just ask that you let the group leader know prior to the meeting so they can provide further WPP information and welcome the guest when they come to the meeting. If a guest becomes a Power Partner, this counts as 3 referral points in the referral tournament! A guest may only visit 1 meeting before they need to sign up for a Trial Membership. 
  • What is WPP doing to ensure safety of members during the Covid-19 Pandemic?
The Covid-19 Pandemic has affected billions of lives around the world. WPP is dedicated to ensuring the safety of our members and their families. We have canceled all in-person meetings and events until further notice. Chapter meetings and Networking Socials are still taking place virtually and our members are still encouraged to network with each other in their own ways. 

Have other questions? Reach out and let us know!

Wisconsin Power Partners

Wisconsin Power Partners’ mission is to establish relationships built on trust in order to grow a network of professionals that can refer their family, friends, clients, and acquaintances to one another.



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