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Membership level
Guest - 1 Meeting
- Free
Subscription period: Monthly
No automatically recurring payments
Registering as a guest will allow you to attend one FREE event with WPP. After attending one event, your Guest membership will end and you can choose to sign up as a Trial Member, Annual Member, or Bi-Annual Member.
Member - Annual
- $280.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year
No automatically recurring payments
Member - Annual Non-Profit Organization
- $225.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year
No automatically recurring payments
This discounted membership is for WPP Members who are networking on behalf of a non-profit.
Member - Bi-Annual
- $550.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 2 years
No automatically recurring payments
One Payment with $50 Discount
Trial Member
- $50.00 (USD)
Subscription period: Monthly
No automatically recurring payments
This membership will allow access to limited member perks including 3 access passes to WPP networking events. Upon conclusion of this trial period, trial members will have the option to purchase a membership or allow their account to expire. Becoming a Trial Member does not guarantee availability within a chosen chapter. Once your trial period has ended, if you decide to apply for a full membership then WPP will determine availability of your preferred chapter.
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